Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2 in a row...

Well, I am back again. I promised myself I would at least come back one more day! I found out some disappointing news today concerning halloween lol. Apparently, my co-workers do not share my same enthusiasm for costumes and fun! I took a poll today and was severely out voted on having a costume contest today..... So now I have to figure out where I can go to dress up in my fabulous costume! :) I'm thinking Halloween Costume Party..... So, now I have more planning to do on top of finishing my costume.....Maybe one of my friends will have one instead! A girl can dream right?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Queen to be...

For anyone that is a fan of the TV show, "Friends", I definitely relate to Jennifer Aniston's character Rachel. In the episode where they are making New Years Resolutions, Monica makes fun of Rachel's resolution to write in her diary EVERY DAY! Only to find out she writes once in an entire year lol. That's basically what I felt like after reading my first post in April and how it says I wanted to start blogging so I could stick with something and I was hoping to finally follow through with one thing in my life...... So much for that! haha. So, here goes try # 2!

Still haven't decided what my subject should be......If I had any followers I would do a poll, but that's a little difficult without anyone reading my posts.... Ahhh.... one day perhaps.

I am in the planning stages of putting together my haloween costume for this year! Halloween is still by far my favorite holiday. I'm the crazy girl that makes an entire office of grown ups participate in a costume contest every year, which is always fun! Peer pressure still works on adults haha. I have decided to be a Queen of some sort....I'm undecided on the exact title of my costume, but I am leaning towards Queen of Halloween.... Dark Queen, etc... I have an amazing black velvet floor length cape that I picked up at a garage sale last year for $1, my favorite place to shop for anything and everything! And after shopping online for a unique and awesome tiara or crown all day today and finding a few over $100, I have decided to design and make my own! I have my own unique style anyway, so a store bought costume is never an option for me, it's just not as much fun anyway.

If you happen to stumble across my blog, feel free to leave any comments including ideas to add to my costume, and especially tips for making a crown.....

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Day Like Any Other...

Well, it's monday morning.....again. Haha, getting ready to start all over again. This whole repetitive process each day, week, month and year is getting old. But at this moment, I'm not sure of what else I could do. I did play sand volleyball this weekend, which was interesting to say the least. :) For whatever reason, the "sand" felt more like dirt and tiny jagged rocks mixed together giving the appearance of sand, but it ended up cutting the bottom of my feet and taking away the fun of playing in the sand. And on top of that, both myself and my roommate are so sore this morning, we are moving around like a couple of old ladies! It's very pitiful, but I'm sure very amusing to those who are merely observing. Other than that, my weekend was very unproductive.

I will be planning a major spring cleaning sometime in the next month, so that should be interesting, and very tiring! Getting ready for a massive garage sale as well, and hoping the money I make from that will pay the majority of my vacation to Mexico this summer, I do have very high dreams at times, and sometimes unreal expectations! haha. But it never hurts to dream right? :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

And so it begins...

Well, here I go with my first blog. Oh how exciting! I haven't decided on a specific topic to blog on, or even a range of things to blog about. But surely that will come to me soon enough.

The title of my blog, "Never Crystal Clear" comes from the fact that I have never been 100 percent positive of what it is that I would like to do with my life, and even in those moments when I think I have finally figured it out, I don't know how to get those dreams accomplished! Oh, plus my name is Crystal. :) I am "clever" like that haha.

I guess if I could wish for one thing to come out of this "blog experience" it would be for me to gain some perspective, figure out my life, and through it all finally do SOMETHING with this life I am living.